For whatever reason and perhaps as an inside joke to fans Asgard now floats over Oklahoma, allowing mortals to pay to use telescopes to get brief views of the Norse Gods. The tale opens with Odin dead and Thor as the king of Asgard which includes Thor having broken time to bring back his realm and its people.

So as an audience we know to NEVER EVER trust Loki but since the Asgardian realm has been reset I suppose it's somewhat forgivable certain figures trust the trickster of tricksters. After reading the first volume of Jason Aaron’s Thor run and liking it, I am convinced that there are some Thor stories out there that won’t give me a headache. Babylon 5) forays into comics have been spotty, but this is a winner. Yep, it’s Manipulators ‘R Us with the end goal of removing Thor from his rule of Asgard.īottom Line: J. Loki or Ma’am, who, no matter what she/he looks like (and she looks kinda hot), is a major player in all the better Thor storylines and as usual is up to no damned good. ĝonald Blake, Thor’s sort of alias, gets bitch slapped by former girlfriend, Jane Foster. ĝaddy issues – Thor takes the Odin sleep and gets to hang out and battle Surtur with dead Odin and then fight his grandpappy, Bor (see Loki below).

Ĝaptain America is in the middle of pushing up the daisies, so Thor talks to his ghost and pays tribute by interrupting all broadcasts for a minute, so if you missed that goal or cliffhanger moment…. This one takes place during the Dark Reign storyline, so when Thor says “Avengers Assemble”, he gets the evil, nutso version led by the lunatic, Norman Osborn. Asgardians have to deal with a certain degree of mortality for the first time. Ěsgard has fallen and it can’t get up somewhere west of Prairie Dog's Butt, Oklahoma. Thor’s in charge of their days and their nights and he’s in charge of their wrongs and their rights. Lots of Norse gods died but Thor made most of them better except Sif (missing in action) and Odin (see Daddy issues further down in this review).

It’s post-Ragnarok, the great Norse battle to the death. Verily, this is one busy Thor book (hint: it’s a volume 2).