
The big friendly giant book
The big friendly giant book

the big friendly giant book

The book is illustrated by Quentin Blake in the same style as the other Dahl books. Sophie is smart and likable-if not as interesting than BFG. He also takes bad dreams out of commission by catching them in a jar and keeping them on shelves in his cave. He’s also conscientious about his work of catching dreams and delivering them into the bedrooms of sleeping children so they can have delightful dreams. BFG is wise, but he has trouble with language owing to his lack of formal education and he often mixes it up in whimsical ways. The story is clever, and the BFG character is well-developed and interesting. Sophie and the BFG work together to try to achieve an end that is pleasing for all parties concerned-well, except for the nine human-eating giants. Therefore, he’s no match for his nine mischievous fellow residents of Giant Country. Furthermore, because he lives off the snozzcumber rather than dining on people, he’s a runt among his human-eating species. While the BFG is a kind and delightful character, he’s the exception to the rule when it comes to Giants.

the big friendly giant book

Sophie has no parents or siblings to miss her, and she doesn’t mind being away from the orphanage and making a Giant new friend, but she doesn’t wish to live out her life in Giant Country. He snatches her because she saw him during his late-night work delivering good dreams to children, and he can’t have any witnesses lest the townspeople get pitch-forky with him. The former abducts the later from her bed, which sounds terrible, but he’s conflicted about it. This is an excellent, little story about a big, friendly Giant The main characters are the BFG and an orphan named Sophie. Get Speechify to make any book an audiobook

The big friendly giant book