The atmosphere that they create when they write is very addicting (and which reminds me again that It’s been a while since I last read one). It kept me entertained and it kept me glued to the book until the end. But no, this book is perfect in being short. It’s short and I was thinking before I started this book that, that might become a reason why I won’t enjoy it.

If you haven’t sensed it yet, I really enjoyed this book. “If you’re always worrying about what other people think, you’ll never get any tougher.” Was it intentional? Was it on purpose? Will the mother seek her revenge? How will she do it? But she’s their teacher but I know that before being a teacher she was mother. Students killing their teacher’s only child. Just the synopsis of the book itself, I mean, who wouldn’t be intrigued by it. I’ve heard a lot of good things and endless praises for this book so I won’t deny that I started reading this book with a very high expectation. And after a stretch of reading YA contemporary novels, I decided that I need a breather. This book has been on my radar for a while a now. How strong can a mother compose herself and take in what happened? How far can a mother go for her child? When does morality and conscience kick in? Will revenge be an answer? Kanae Minato’s books became abestseller in Taiwan.Imagine being a teacher and you found out that your only child was murdered by two of your students. After one year, the sub-agent in Taiwan asked me if I wanted to keep on waiting or giving up? I said I will never give up Kanae Minato’s book. At that time, I offered for Night Tightrope and waited for one year without any news. She was a house wife and loved to watch this TV program and then created her own writing style. When I read Kanae Minato’s fiction, I believed she must be the big fan of this program. I like to watch it because you find different angles of the truth. The journalist interviews different people who were witness to a crime and they talk about their points of view. In Japan, they have a morning true crime TV program. Higashino Keigo is the King of crime novel. When Confessions became hugely successful there, I had already signed most of her books. I signed Penance, For N, and Night Tightrope before Confessions was published in Taiwan. I was eager to publish the book then but lost the auction. I read Confessions when it was just published in Japan and was amazed that Kanae Minato had managed to create a new genre of crime novel and believed she would be huge in the future.